2008 has been, in football parlance, a year of two halves. It started in the worst way with Gran (Bessie's Granma Kay) passing away in February. Whilst she had not been in the best of health towards the end of 2007 her loss was no less sudden or saddening for that. She has been and will continue to be greatly missed by everyone that knew her. But in that strange symmetry of life, the mood of the second half of 2008 was set for us by the fact that we are expecting another addition to the family. Bessie's little brother or sister is due in the spring 2009.
And in between these two key events life has gone on. Bessie has turned from a toddler to a teenager in the space of 12 months, still keeping us in fits of laughter the vast majority of the time, but also testing our patience and nerves to the limits (and beyond). She started 'play group' in September for two days a week and becomes more independent by the day. So far she hasn't won any football trophies, gained any 'A' levels or been offered a scholarship to the School of Performing Arts and as such is a bitter disappointment to her parents. However, she was awarded a sticker for tidying up at play group (if only she would do the same at home.)
We took our first tentative steps towards self-sufficiency in response to the credit crunch and took on an allotment (with mixed success). As usual rugby gave us some highlights, but this year what highlights! Not only being at the Millennium stadium to see Wales win the Grand Slam, but also seeing Nick Koster play for the Barbarians at Wembley. We also managed to see some bands, some films, some comedians and some heroes. We made three trips to some fabulous seaside resorts (thanks Salcombe, Padstow and Kingsand) and generally had pretty good - no, excellent - weather. Ali is still pretty much a full time Mum although she does work freelance for her old employer looking after their website (as a bit of light relief!). Brian is still enjoying working as a local authority planner in Chippenham (but there are big changes ahead for local government in Wiltshire in 2009, so there is a frisson of uncertainty and apprehension in the air).
We failed to visit anywhere much further north than Birmingham this year, Brian failed to run a half marathon and Ali failed to get to see Coldplay - there's always next year.........although I suspect we may be rather busy for other reasons (not least being a rash of fortieth birthdays - including Ali's). Feel free to browse around our blog. Go on, have a look, you might find something interesting, informative or vaguely amusing.....there are some pretty pictures to look at too........oh, please yourselves!
Here's wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2009.
With Love Ali, Brian and Bessie