Sunday 13 April 2008

Obsessive Cars Disorder

Our house is definitely suffering from a new form of OCD. Ever since Bess found a tiny yellow car on a Cornish beach last year our lives have been sucked into the world of 'Cars'. The car turned out to be a freebie given away with MacDonald's. We couldn't prize it from Bess's vice like grip, it became her favourite toy. We found out the little yellow car was Luigi, an Italian tire (sic) store owner in the Disney Pixar Film 'Cars'. we then started noticing lots of these little characters around, then thought we'd better watch the film. And that was our downfall. Bess loved the characters and they do these really nice die-cast models (like old style matchbox cars but with faces) and so we bought a couple.. ..and a couple more..and Bess watched the film more and we bought more cars. them we found out from Wikipedia that all the characters are based on actual cars or voiced by real racing drivers and then......well once you have Lightning MacQueen and Chick Hicks you just have to buy the King and what would Flo be without Ramone and.......Well that's where an obsession begins.

So dear reader let this be a warning to you if you see a little yellow car with a smiley face lying around..LEAVE IT ALONE...DO NOT PICK IT UP. There is no hope for us but you may be able to save yourselves...........

Ali's note: For all the above references to 'we' read 'Brian'.

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