Mum and Dad have been going for trips on the QE2 for a long time. With great ship sailing off into the sunset (or at least Dubai) towards the end of the year this was to be their last voyage. So Ali, Bess, Grandma and I went to wave them off from the dockside. Having driven down to Southampton we were a bit disappointed to be told by a security guard that we couldn't get into the dock yard and then having made our way to the dockside the viewing gallery (that used to allow you to get right up close to the ship and be face to face with passengers on the deck) had been closed - for security reasons. So we had to stand behind a security fence peering up at the pointy end of the boat. However, nothing can really take away from what a magnificent and elegant looking boat the QE2 is.
The sun came out, Mum,Dad and their freinds, Keith and Ide, came out on deck, Bess shouted 'Hello Grandad,Hello Granny' at the top of her voice, we all waved wildly, the fog horn sounded and Bess cried.
Eventually with a lot of encouragement from an unfeasibly small-looking tug she moved away from the dock side and made her majestic way up the Solent. We watched until she was a dot on the horizon.
We'll miss you QE2 and I'm sure Mum and Dad will too (especially the midnight buffet,eh dad?).
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