Two pompous idiots on the radio in one day and Parliament isn't even sitting.
First, that well known 'pop star' Noel Gallagher appeared, allegedly drunk (how rock and roll), on
Radio One. I find him pretty irritating at the best of times (I think he only lets Liam stay in Oasis so that he is not the most obnoxious one in the band). Whilst most of what he says is publicity seeking rot (Oh have Oasis got a new album coming out?) I thought it was a bit rich of someone who's entire career has been built on ripping off the Beatles (and not as well as the Rutles) to claim that the Kaiser Chiefs were rubbish because they sounded like the Monkees. Irritated I turned over to
Five Live.
And I have to thank Mr Gallagher because I then heard the best radio moment for some time. It was that interview with Steve MacClaren . The former England manager is now managing a team in Holland and was being interviewed for Dutch television. If you haven't heard this seek
it out (if this link doesn't work type
Steve MacClaren accent into YouTube). Its hilarious! MacClaren does that old English trick of assuming that if you speak English with a slight foreign accent those foreigners will understand you better. What made it even funnier on Five Live was Alan Green almost wetting himself laughing.
Whilst Gallagher made me grumpy MacClaren for once cheered me up no end and made me chuckle all day!