Suddenly Bessie is four years old. Where did that time go?
On her birthday it was pressies (lots of pressies) and a family get together.........
The day after fifteen 3 and 4 year olds were running round the house. Luckily it was another one of those sunny autumn days and most of them could run amok in the garden (phew).
Eliza is now an official member of society. The day after getting back from Coldplay Eliza was christened. It was a gloriously sunny autumn day, the service at St Peters, Stratton was really nice (our new vicar is very welcoming and inclusive and hardly anyone noticed that the organ music was courtesy of a cd player) and it was back to village hall for tea and cakes.
And Eliza (and Bess) behaved impeccably throughout!
As part of Lally's 40th birthday celebrations it was off to Wembley for Coldplay (back in September...sorry there's a lot of catching up to do!).
We arrived nice an early (a pint in a pub where we parked the car) and in the stadium for the kick-off at four o'clock. A really impressive stadium with food at impressive prices too...good job we were sad and took some sarnies!
First up were White Lies who were really good 9even though neither of us had heard of them before). Down to the front for Girls Aloud...who were disappointing...not rteally a stadium band. Jay-z was.....LOUD!...but really enjoyable - especially 'Empire State of Mind', which was amazing.
Now i got the tickets for Lally becaues she'd always wanted to see them and I was't really looking forward to it. I'm not a great fan of really big stadium gigs anyway and Coldplay aren't one of my favourite bands...but I must say they put on hell of a show. Very impressive particularly the big anthems such as 'Yellow' and 'Viva La Vida'. There were fireworks, spectacular light show, confetti in the shape of butterflies and large yellow balloons....what more could you ask!
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