Saturday 10 October 2009

Bessie is four......

Another day another party.

Suddenly Bessie is four years old. Where did that time go?

On her birthday it was pressies (lots of pressies) and a family get together.........

The day after fifteen 3 and 4 year olds were running round the house. Luckily it was another one of those sunny autumn days and most of them could run amok in the garden (phew).


SUE TAYLOR said...

Grandad T. has just viewed this photo, he commented what a handsome fellow far left handside. (lol) also expect to see you performing the quick step. (blog viewed in office Monday 12th October by both Granny & Grandad)

SUE TAYLOR said...

Grandad T. has just viewed this photo, he commented what a handsome fellow far left handside. (lol) also expect to see you performing the quick step. (blog viewed in office Monday 12th October by both Granny & Grandad)