I'm a bit behind in the news these days but I understand that there is a big election looming in the good old US of A. Now its hard for me to say which American should tell the rest of the Americans and the rest of the world what to do...hey, whoever does it is not going to be able to do a worse job than dear old dubya...are they? But this is a historic election - the potential for the first black president or alternatively the first woman vice president. Now Obama appears like a very likeable chap and I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe that he wouldn't make a good President. And likewise Palin appears to be a very astute, witty, charming, knowledgeable , eloquent, entertaining, well travelled and likeable individual....oops, I'm thinking of that Michael Palin. No, of course Sarah Palin is that mad woman from Nowhere, Alaska who likes shooting Moose, naming her kids after random inanimate objects and thinks that dinosaurs were invented by Ray Harryhausen. And there is the potential that this woman will be second in line to press the nuclear button.....only in America (cliche no 435)
If you haven't seen any of the interview she did with the US news presenter Katy Couric just have a look on YouTube. I challenge you to watch the interview without squirming or putting your hands over your eyes - it is so embarrassing. If you found it hard to watch David Brent or Alan Partridge then you will be behind the sofa by the end of this.
Also she is ready made target for the satirist. On Saturday Night Live someone called Tina Fey did an very funny impression of Sarah Palin, no-one had to write funny lines they just used Sarahs own words.
I have nothing against John McCain, although he appears a little old to be in the Whitehouse (but that is, I admit, a little ageist). But you have got to question someones judgement who thinks Sarah Palin is a suitable candidate for the second most powerful job in the US. He'd have been better off choosing Michael Palin....or David Brent...or Steve MaClaren.....
Never mind America at least you don't have Boris Johnson running your capital city.
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