With all that's going on in the world I thought I ought to do my bit for the benefit of my fellow man. I thought about all those hearty souls who walk from John O' Groats to Landsend, or climb Kilimanjaro with Girls Aloud or run the Great North Run (well done Paul Maylunn by the way!) and felt decidedly daunted. I then came across a cause that required the sort of effort that I could easily commit to.
I am growing a moustache this year for 'Movember'. I have decided to put down my razor for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for Movember a prostate cancer charity.
Initially it started out as a bit of a laugh when everyone at work donned false moustaches to bid farewell to my friend John who was retiring. Then I came across this charity, which looked like a laugh and but now I appear to be committed to having an itchy face for the rest of the month. Currently I have a full face of scruffy stubble, with the aim of creating some sort of exotic shaped facial hair over the weekend. I thought I'd aim for a straightforward George Clooney (" O Brother Where Art Thou" (above) rather than "Syriana") but will probably end up looking more like Mackenzie Crook.....

If you want to find out more follow these links http://uk.movember.com/mospace/254920/ or http://uk.movemberfoundation.com/research-and-programs or http://uk.movember.com/
I know its lazy and not quite as admirable as or adventurous as sailing around the British Isles in bathtub, but, by way of justification, I am going to look like a scruffy oik for a whole month (who said 'no change there then'?)
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